CX Applied: 238 Questions Across 12 Capability Areas To Help Build, Assess & Maximize VoC / EFM / EX / XM ROI

by | Oct 26, 2020 | COVID-19, CX, CX Applied, CX PDFs, CX ROI, CX Science, CX Science PDFs, CX Transformation, digital transformation, VoA, vob, voc | 0 comments

What is the most important thing to do to be a customer centric, customer obsessed, high performing organization (or an employee centric one)?

Simple: Listen to your Customers (and Employees), understand what they are telling you and act on it to continuously improve.

The proven VoC questions in here can be applied to Voice of Customer (VoC), Experience Management (XM) Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) or Listen, Analyze and Act Experience Systems For Any Audience

Stay safe, be kind and be awesome

And Viva La CX Revolution

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