CX Applied: CX Capability Building For CX Leaders

by | Jun 4, 2020 | COVID-19, CX, CX Applied, CX PDFs, CX ROI, CX Science PDFs | 0 comments

More companies every day are committing to Customer Experience (CX) and Experience Management (XM) as disciplines to deliver and sustain
improved business performance. This is most visible as more companies hire and appoint VP’s and Directors of CX.

We are purpose built to help you, as a member of this generation of CX leaders, build the CX capabilities required to return and grow your organization’s CX commitment and deliver on the promise of CX ROI.

Download this short (but admittedly slightly intense) guide on the 17 key capabilities that we see CX and XM leaders focus on building and improving to deliver improved business results.

No-one expects you to perfect all 17 (unless you are CX/XM icons like Disney or Amazon) and we wouldn’t even claim this is a comprehensive list. The point of the guide is to provide a cheat sheet to consider and a short discussion of the Assess, Design, Build, Operate model that we see as the most effective as you continue your CX / XM Journey.

Stay safe, be kind and be awesome.

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