Enhancing Your Virtual Digital Way of Working With Gogestalt’s Corporate Digital Academy

by | Mar 18, 2020 | CX PDFs, CX Science PDFs | 0 comments

Companies are realizing the critical need to develop a digital workforce. But 70% of all digital initiatives do not reach their goals. Unlike 20 years ago at the birth of digital,  today success is not really about the technology. The technology mostly works.
Success today is about developing a new culture and operating model and giving your people the skills to be effective in this new digital age.
And the usual leaders are reacting to create competitive advantage out of this challenge:
  • Amazon committed $700m to  to retrain workers in the new skills required.
  • JPMC has committed $350 million to foster both digital and technical skills.

The leaders of tomorrow are asking some hard questions:

  • Can your executives visualize digital possibilities to champion the organization for a digital future?
  • Is your workforce digital first ? Do they instinctively look for digital solutions to business challenges?
  • Are you attractive enough to recruit and retain the new generation , used to digital ways of working
  • Does your team have the digital mindset to leverage technology for collaboration; innovation; agility?

Customer Results has been proudly helping Gogestalt launch and architect the solution portfolio and goto market strategy for the past 6 months.

Gogestalt is a new company, founded in 2019 to help clients address this new challenge of a Digital Way of Working.

Gogestalt is not selling technology and they are not a training company. Gogestalt is focused on helping you deliver transformational  behavioral change across your organization to adapt to this new digitally enabled operating model

The Corporate Digital Academy (CDA) is an immersive and transformational operating capability which sits at the heart of your Digital Transformation model. CDA being a core capability that Gogestalt will help you launch and grow.

Read the CDA brochure, let us know your thoughts and  how we might be able to help you.

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