Last weekend, Sunday September 18th, 2011 was Customer Results birthday. Customer Results was originally founded in November 2011 as the consulting division of International Nouveau Design LLC  (a graphic design and brand management company which was itself founded in 1999 and is still at we pulled Customer Results out onto its own webpage.The objective of this website is to be an interaction community for practitioners, consultants and technology and other solution providers who are committed to and interested in the use of formal methods and analytics and business cases approaches etc to improve outcomes and results of transformation programs and projects.The heart of the concept is the Customer Results RadarTM , which allows people to map their current and desired situations and even industry best practices on anywhere from 4 to 64 different dimensions and criteria and use that as the basis for a gap, roadmap, benefits and impacts discussion. We are very focused on providing execution services around these ourselves and engaging our community over time so if you know of people we should be talking to let us know.We have a pretty solid 6+ month development roadmap for  to add our community building and interaction tools, our library references to other information sources  and to launch the online Customer Results RadarTM tool which will allow our community members to develop analytics and diagnostics to use in their projects.  Also we will be working to improve the overall look and feel of the site and want our community to drive that thought process (e.g. our web experience director is currently working to determine whether we should “de-fuzz” the tool pictures on the “Analytics” and “Library” tabs to make them readable or whether that will make people just use the formats and never contact us .. isn’t the internet wonderful !!). Watch us evolve .. it will be  along road .. thanks to everyone who supported us so far.

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